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Impfstudien und Untersuchungen zum Thema Krebs 

Impfstoffe, Leukämie und Lymphome:

  • Bichel, "Post-vaccinial Lymphadenitis Developing into Hodgkin’s Disease", Acta Med Scand, 1976, Vol 199, p523-525.
  • Stewart, AM, et al, "Aetiology of Childhood Leukaemia", Lancet, 16 Oct, 1965, 2:789-790.
  • Glathe, H et al, "Evidence of Tumorigenic Activity of Candidate Cell Substrate in Vaccine Production by the Use of Anti-LymphocyteDevelopment Biol Std, 1977, 34:145-148. Serum",
  • Bolognesi, DP, "Potential Leukemia Virus Subunit Vaccines: Discussion", Can Research, Feb 1976, 36(2 pt 2):655-656.
  • Colon, VF, et al, "Vaccinia Necrosum as a Clue to Lymphatic Lymphoma", Geriatrics, Dec 1968, 23:81-82.
  • Park-Dincsoy, H et al, "Lymphoid Depletion in a case of Vaccinia Gangrenosa", Laval Med, Jan 1968, 39:24-26.
  • Hugoson, G et al, "The Occurrence of Bovine Leukosis Following the Introduction of Babesiosis Vaccination", Bibl Haemat, 1968, 30:157-161.
  • Hartstock, , ""Post-vaccinial Lymphadenitis: Hyperplasia of Lymphoid Tissue That Simulates Malignant Lymphomas", Apr 1968, Cancer, 21(4):632-649.
  • Allerberger, F, "An Outbreak of Suppurative Lymphadenitis Connected with BCG Vaccination in Austria- 1990/1991," Am Rev Respir Disorder, Aug 1991, 144(2) 469.
  •  Omokoku B, Castells S, "Post-DPT inoculation cervical lymphadenitis in children." N Y State J Med 1981 Oct;81(11):1667-1668.

Impfstoffe und Chromosomen-Änderungen:

  • Knuutila, S et al, "An Increased Frequency of Chromosomal Changes and SCE’s in Cultured Lymphocytes of 12 Subjects Vaccinated Against Smallpox," Hum Genet, 1978 Feb 23; 41(1):89-96.
  • Cherkeziia, SE, et al, "Disorders in the Murine Chromosome Apparatus Induced By Immunization with a Complex of Anti-viral Vaccines," Vopr Virusol, 1979 Sept Oct, (5):547-550. [SCE means sister chromatid exchange and is an indication that genetic mutations are occurring, which could possibly lead to cancer-causing mutations.]
Das Polio Impfung wurde schon mit Krebs in Zusammenhang gebracht:


  • Shah, K and Nathanson, N. “Human exposure to SV40.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 1976; 103: 1-12.
  • Innis, M.D. “Oncogenesis and poliomyelitis vaccine.” Nature, 1968; 219:972-73.
  • Soriano, F., et al. “Simian virus 40 in a human cancer.” Nature, 1974; 249:421-24.
  • Weiss, A.F., et a;. “Simian virus 40-related antigens in three human meningiomas with defined chromosome loss.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 1975; 72(2):609-13.
  • Scherneck, S., et al. “Isolation of a SV-40-like papovavirus from a human glioblastoma.” International Journal of Cancer 1979; 24:523-31.
  • Stoian, M., et al. “Possible relation between viruses and oromaxillofacial tumors. II. Research on the presence of SV40 antigen and specific antibodies in patients with oromaxillofacial tumors.” Virologie, 1987; 38:35-40.
  • Stoian, M., et al. “Possible relation between viruses and oromaxillofacial tumors. II. Detection of SV40 antigen and of anti-SV40 antibodies in patients with parotid gland tumors.” Virologie, 1987; 38:41-46.
  • Bravo, M.P., et al. “Association between the occurrence of antibodies to simian vacuolating virus 40 and bladder cancer in male smokers.” Neoplasma, 1988; 35:285-88.
  • O’Connell, K., et al. Endothelial cells transformed by SV40 T-antigen cause Kaposi’s sarcoma-like tumors in nude mice.” American Journal of Pathology, 1991; 139(4):743-49.
  • Weiner, L.P., et al. “Isolation of virus related to SV40 from patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1972; 286:385-90.
  • Tabuchi, K. “Screening of human brain tumors for SV-40-related T-antigen.” International Journal of Cancer 1978; 21:12-17.
  • Meinke, W., et al. “Simian virus 40-related DNA sequences in a human brain tumor.” Neurology 1979; 29:1590-94.
  • Krieg, P., et al. “Episomal simian virus 40 genomes in human brain tumors.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 1981; 78:6446-50.
  • Krieg, P., et al. “Episomal Simian Virus 40 Genomes in Human Brain Tumors.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1981, 78(10):6446-6450.
  • Krieg, P., et al. “Cloning of SV40 genomes from human brain tumors.” Virology 1984; 138:336-40.
  • Geissler, E. “SV40 in human intracranial tumors: passenger virus or oncogenic ‘hit-and-run’ agent?” Z Klin Med, 1986; 41:493-95.
  • Geissler, E. “SV40 and Human Brain Tumors.” Progress in Medical Virology, 1990; 37:211-222.
  • Bergsagel, D.J., et al. “DNA sequences similar to those of simian virus 40 in ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors of childhood.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1992; 326:988-93.
  • Martini, M., et al. “Human Brain Tumors and Simian Virus 40.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1995, 87(17):1331.
  • Lednicky, JA., et al. “Natural Simian Virus 40 Strains are Present in Human Choroid Plexus and Ependymoma Tumors.” Virology, 1995, 212(2):710-17.
  • Tognon, M., et al. “Large T Antigen Coding Sequence of Two DNA Tumor Viruses, BK and SV-40, and Nonrandom Chromosome Changes in Two Gioblastoma Cell Lines.” Cancer Genetics and Cytogenics, 1996, 90(1): 17-23.
  • Carbone, M., et al. “SV-40 Like Sequences in Human Bone Tumors.” Oncogene, 1996, 13(3):527-35.
  • Pass, HI, Carbone, M., et al. “Evidence For and Implications of SV-40 Like Sequences in Human Mesotheliomas.” Important Advances in Oncology, 1996, pp. 89-108.
  • Rock, Andrea. “The Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business,” Money, (December 1996), p. 161. [Article]
  • Carlsen, William. “Rogue virus in the vaccine: Early polio vaccine harbored virus now feared to cause cancer in humans.” San Francisco Chronicle (July 15, 2001), p. 7. [Article: Research by Susan Fisher, epidemiologist, Loyola University Medical Center.]
  • Bookchin, D. and Schumacher J. “Tainted polio vaccine still carries its threat 40 years later.” The Boston Globe (January 26, 1997). [Article]
  • Rosa, FW., et al. “Absence of antibody response to simian virus 40 after inoculation with killed-poliovirus vaccine of mothers offspring with neurological tumors.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1988; 318:1469.
  • Rosa, FW., et al. Response to: “Neurological tumors in offspring after inoculation of mothers with killed poliovirus vaccine.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1988, 319:1226.
  • Martini, F., et al. “SV-40 Early Region and Large T Antigen in Human Brain Tumors, Peripheral Blood Cells, and Sperm Fluids from Healthy Individuals.” Cancer Research, 1996, 56(20):4820-4825.




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